Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Keeping your environment clean!

We often think that maintaining good health is solely associated with how we take care of our bodies. Yes, it is true that the better care you give yourself the healthier you will be. However you must remember that your environment can have a direct impact on your health. I am not only referring to the environment in terms of the outside world, but in terms of living your conditions. How clean is your living environment?

Did you know?

•Inhaling dust can cause various lung diseases, depending on the kind of dust you inhale.

•The flu virus can be spread easily in areas with poor ventilation or inadequate air circulation.

•Bacteria can cause carpet odors.

Next time your carpet smells you might want to do some effective cleaning. You might have unwelcome guests who have turned your house into their home!!

Below are a few tips on how to keep your room clean, and avoid getting sick.

1. Regularly take out your trash

2. Leave your windows open regularly to allow air circulation.

3. Vacuum your carpets frequently to avoid accumulation of dust and bacteria.

4. Disinfect your surfaces regularly to avoid the increase of bacteria.

Note: Toilet seats and other such surfaces are to be cleaned daily. Ensure that no surfaces in your room are damp as that will aid the growth of bacteria.

5. Change your linen regularly

There you have it! To maintain good health you must maintain the health of your surroundings!


Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Hair is the one thing we all have in common. The question is not whether you have silky long hair, or short kinky locks, rather it is, are you doing justice to that which you have been given? You might be wondering what hair care has to do with the health of a student. In fact there is no direct link between hair and health; however the lovelier your hair is, the healthier you appear! Your appearance should be the expression of your well being, and healthy hair is a crucial factor to achieving a polished appearance.
Though we all have hair, we all have different hair types and different hair types require different methods of maintenance. Here are a few hair tips which are common to all hair types:

Do not use plastic bristle brushes-
A combination of natural boar bristles on either a round or flat brush are best for dry hair, while soft, rubber-toothed wide-paneled brushes are best for damp hair.

Brush hair before shampooing it-
This helps remove product buildup and scalp flakes, as well as stimulate the scalp and promote blood flow

Remove split ends-
As the ends of your hair get older and damaged by rough handling, they become prone to splitting. Regular trims, at least 1/2 inch every four to eight weeks, are recommended. Hair grows (on average) half an inch per month, so trimming it will maintain healthy ends.

Deep condition once every two weeks-
This treatment is enriching to the hair and scalp, and provides hair with adequate nutrition.

Invest in an ionic dryer-
These particular hair-dryers bathe your hair in negative ions, which help break up water molecules faster and cancel out hair-damaging positive ions

There you got it! Five tips to help you improve the health of your hair.

If you have any hair queries, Please do not visit the doctor; they might be unable to help you! Your hairstylist however, will prove to be a fountain of knowledge!
